26km / 345m / 1hr

Cullya Loop

A quick punchy loop north of town, passing through farming country along eucalypt-lined roads.

Last updated February 25, 2022

Ride Profile

Elevation Profile

A short loop north of Orange. Includes a few punchy climbs and scenic, quiet eucalypt lined roads. Heads out towards Clergate then East to Ophir Road before heading back in to town passing Suma Park Dam and Banjo Paterson park.

The road condition is rough in places, particularly the flat section on Ophir Rd after the downhill. The climb up Mill Hill towards presents stunning views to the South East (see hero image at top).

Note: this route starts from the Botanic Gardens in North Orange rather than Elephant Park.

Watch for traffic between the Orange Tip and Northern Distributor (the top section of Mill Hill, after the climb), there is no shoulder on this section and it can be busy.

Cullya Rd
A Wet Cullya Road

Watch Out For

Road Condition: As with most Orange roads, the condition varies. There is quite a lot of patching on this route. Ophir Road is quite rough in places with bitumen sprayed over a potholed surface without repair. The rest of the route is OK.

Traffic: A quiet-ish route for the most part, but it does get busier close to town (see note above).

Variations / Extensions

Banjo Paterson Way Climb: Turn left at the 17km mark up Banjo Paterson way to add on a roughly 8min (3.7km at 2.3%) out-and-back climb to the loop, turn at the top and descend back down to Ophir Road.

Disclaimer: Cycling is an activity that inherently involves risk, especially when riding on the road. Whilst every care has been taken to collate information to help you to decide where to ride in Orange, ultimately the responsibility for the ride and assessment of the risk involved in that ride is yours alone. The Administrators of this website do not make any representation or warranties about its accuracy, reliability, or completeness. Individual caution must be shown.

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