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Road Condition Update 19.10.22

Like much of NSW our roads have taken a beating with the continuous heavy rain. Some roads are more affected than others but keep an eye out for large deep potholes. In sections where the road is heavily affected it is best to ride single file and watch for oncoming traffic. Forest Reefs Road & Tallwood Road (on Tallwood, Guyong and Neville Loops) seem to be the worst affected but can be ridden carefully (not advised in a large group).

Lake Canobolas Road south of the Lake is impressively bad and best avoided.

Forest Road Roadworks Update

Orange Council have begun to seal the road surface on Forest Road where the roadworks have been happening, near Hiney Road. The second layer of asphalt is due to be applied tomorrow (24th June) which should mean it’s OK to ride again from the weekend.

New Route: Mulyan Road

An out-and-back ride to the north of Orange, Mulyan Road is now live. It’s lightly rolling so perfect for an easy get out of town ride that takes about an hour and a half. There are a couple of short smooth (at time of writing…) gravel sections included which are suitable for a road bike. A great ride when you don’t want to tackle the elevation of The Pinnacle or deal with the fast traffic on the Airport Loop.

Ginns Road Orange NSW

New Route: Berrilee, Giles & Ginns

A nice combination of fire trails and open farmland gravel, Berrilee, Giles & Ginns is now live. The route is reasonably lumpy at 615m elevation gain over 44km with the longest climb 2.5km at 3.8%. Road condition varies, especially in the forest but should be OK on a gravel bike. A great ride to clear the mind and feel like you’re miles away.

Forest Road Roadworks

Orange Council are currently working on a 1km section of Forest Road at the intersection of Hiney Road, about 8kms South of town. The work is expected to be completed early May 2022. Alternative route options include Huntley Road (preferred) or Cadia Road. Cadia Road can be suspect to substantial traffic from the Newcrest Mine at various times of the day.

New Glenwood Forest Trails under construction

Iconic Trails are currently building the Trail of Awesomeness in Glenwood State Forest. The trail will be a flowy 8km long, blue/green and connected to the fantastic Galinbundinya Trail by the recently built Onwards & Upwards. The first 2kms are already done and the trail is expected to be completed in a couple of months. Looking at the photos on Iconic’s facebook page, it should be superb.

Keep an eye on the Orange Mountain Bike facebook page for updates and to see a CAD drawing of the Glenwood Trails.

Mt Canobolas Summit Closed

National Parks and Wildlife has closed the summit precinct from 8 Mar 2022 until further notice. The closure is to allow a redevelopment of the area. Federal Falls campground is still open, so riding to Towac Way is still possible (about 80% of the climb). Note there may be heavy machinery on the roads.

More information can be found on the NPWS website.

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